The lives of the residents of Barangay Mabini are quiet. Because of Lieutenant Torne's good discipline, the community was doing well. Thieves and other evildoers are gone. Due to old age, Lieutenant Torne has resigned. He was replaced by Lieutenant Itong. During his tenure, the discipline and diligence of the people in Mabini did not change. During his tenure, the most joyous festivals took place, abundant feasts were to be found in every home. It was entertained by a lively band of music. After the long term of office, and poor health of Lieutenant Agapito, he was replaced by a still brave Lieutenant in the person of Mr. Francisco de Silva. The title Lieutenant was changed to the title Captain so he was better known as Captain Isko. Just like before, although there are some who are lazy in life, the people here are persistent in their diligence. The discipline of the people of Barangay Mabini was broken. In the programs launched by the new society, the people here actively participate, such as Green Evolution, Cleanliness and Sanitation Family Planning, Tree Planting and many others. Because it seems that the habit of fire is not lost to anyone, the participation in said programs does not last long. Some are ignored, others return to their old ways. A primary election took place. Like other citizens, Mabini people know how to participate in political activities. They go to the precincts to vote, there are also political leaders here. The fourth republic was reborn. A few months later, people will once again be seen heading to the precinct to vote again for their candidate to lead the village. Mr. Agonia succeeded, along with the newly elected councillors. A recognition is conveyed to those who became Punong Barangay of Mabini.