The projected total population for Barangay Mabini from 2010 to 2035 has been estimated by the OCPDC using the PSA 2010 and 2015 Census of Population Results as the base year, with an average annual population growth rate of 3.08% derived from the PSA 2015 Census Population Result. The demographic composition indicates that 50.14% of the population is male and 49.86% is female, with an average household size of 4.5.
Barangay Mabini covers a total land area of 257,562 hectares with a partial portion rate of 0.01173. The population projections for Barangay Mabini are as follows: in 2010, the population was 3,326; in 2011, it increased to 3,428; in 2012, it was 3,534; in 2013, it reached 3,643; in 2014, it grew to 3,755; and in 2015, it was 3,964. The population continued to rise to 4,020 in 2016, 4,144 in 2017, 4,272 in 2018, 4,403 in 2019, and 4,532 in 2020. In subsequent years, the population was projected to be 4,679 in 2021, 4,823 in 2022, 4,971 in 2023, 5,124 in 2024, 5,282 in 2025, 5,445 in 2026, 5,612 in 2027, 5,785 in 2028, and 5,964 in 2029. The projections for the 2030s show continued growth, with the population reaching 6,147 in 2030, 6,337 in 2031, 6,532 in 2032, 6,733 in 2033, 6,940 in 2034, and finally, 7,154 in 2035.
Projected Population (2010-2035)
CY 2010: 3,326
CY 2011: 3,428
CY 2012: 3,534
CY 2013: 3,643
CY 2014: 3,755
CY 2015: 3,964
CY 2016: 4,020
CY 2017: 4,144
CY 2018: 4,272
CY 2019: 4,403
CY 2020: 4,532
CY 2021: 4,679
CY 2022: 4,823
CY 2023: 4,971
CY 2024: 5,124
CY 2025: 5,282
CY 2026: 5,445
CY 2027: 5,612
CY 2028: 5,785
CY 2029: 5,964
CY 2030: 6,147
CY 2031: 6,337
CY 2032: 6,532
CY 2033: 6,733
CY 2034: 6,940
CY 2035: 7,154
Source of data:
OCPDC population estimates using PSA 2010 AND 2015 Census of Population Results as base year
PSA 2015 Census Population Result Average Annual Population Growth Rate: 3.08
Male - 50.14%
Female - 49.86%
Average HH Size - 4.5
Data: Lipa City 2024
Mabini has a total land area of 257.562 hectares and comprises seven puroks. It
is situated 5.8 kilometers from the local trading center and has an elevation
of 750 feet above sea level. The projected total population for Barangay Mabini
in 2024 is 6,352 individuals.
estimated population distribution by age group is as follows: 627 children aged
0-4 years, 623 children aged 5-9 years, 592 children aged 10-14 years, 585
adolescents aged 15-19 years, 639 young adults aged 20-24 years, 591
individuals aged 25-29 years, 499 individuals aged 30-34 years, 450 individuals
aged 35-39 years, 405 individuals aged 40-44 years, 331 individuals aged 45-49
years, 287 individuals aged 50-54 years, 230 individuals aged 55-59 years, 186
individuals aged 60-64 years, and 306 individuals aged 65 years and above.
are an estimated 1,549 households in Barangay Mabini, with an average household
size of 4.1, resulting in a population density of approximately 25 individuals
per hectare.
Note: OCPDC population estimates use PSA 2015 and 2020 Census of Population Results as the base year. The population growth rate from 2015 to 2020 is 2.45%.